Marja’s Teaching Style and Background

Marja is a certified eRYT 500 intructor. Her teaching of asana (postures) is based on the popular alignment techniques of the Krishnamacharya origin. A class may begin with a few moments of stillness including diaphragmatic breathing and the setting of an intension or positive affirmation. This is a simple neurological exercise to choose content in the mind. Followed by a planned series of gentle vinyasas, (movement coincided with breath) students prepare the body for the ascent into the sun salutations. Each person goes at their own pace as other alignment based postures are suggested to enhance a balancing pose highlighting the peak of the class. Students are encouraged to find their own expression in the pose as it benefits them in the present moment. The practice winds down with postures moving to a seated position. Completed by a few rounds of luscious pranayama, (breathing techniques) the body is ready to be still and the mind at ease primed for meditation. Finally, students rest in shavasana to enjoy the magic of their yoga. Classes usually wrap-up with a mantra or a chant to take some aspect of their practice off the mat and into the world as the day unfolds.

Marja’s intuitive sense and academic background offers a challenging  and rejuvenating class to her students. Her mindful guidance is matched with light and levity for the one-on-one student or the group atmosphere. She can teach a multi-level class and modify postures to suit any practitioner according to their requirements as a beginner or beyond.

Yoga classes with Marja are friendly, professional, and fun! Her caring and enthusiastic manner is pleasantly contagious and filled with adjustments, informative tips, and wise treats to enhance each students yoga experience. She is presently teaching at Thrive Yoga Summit in Frisco, Colorado.